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蓝盔在行动 0

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本书已入围2015-2018丝路书香工程资助图书 图书分类:文学 图书标签:纪实文学 语言:汉语 出版时间: 2012-05 书号:9787514603705
出版社: 中国画报出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2017丝路书香工程资助图书
《蓝盔在行动(英文)》共分为十一个单元,其中内容包括:Humanitarian Rescue and Relief Work;International Exchange and Collaboration;Gaining Community Trust;Forging ahead through Hardship and Danger;Iron-Willed Peacekeepers;Heroes during Anti-Riot Operations;Professional Skills in Criminal Investigations;Peace Makers in Teamwork Operations;Security Guards Defending Peace and Justice;Pursuing Dreams for World Peace Overseas;Honors and Recognitions。