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江南禅寺 0

王媛 电子版 下载


本书已入围2015-2018丝路书香工程资助图书 图书分类:艺术 图书标签:建筑艺术 语言:汉语 出版时间:2010-04 书号:9787313063465
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2016丝路书香工程资助图书
"The building of the Buddhist monastery is an impoRTAnt component of Chinese ancient architectural culture. Its architectural location,architectural layout, architectural method and architectural decoration all bear the deep stamp of Chinese traditional culture and ideology. This book, combining architecture with religion and culture, displays the existence and characteristics of the Buddhist monastery on the background of the development history of Chan, and then represents the whole look of the architecture and culture of the Buddhist monastery by a detailed explanation of buildings, religious ritual implements, associated contents and etc. This book is especially for those who areinterested in Chinese traditional culture, Chineseancient architecture and design of the Buddhistbuilding, and for the tourists as well."