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21世纪中国当代文学书库——一片落叶 0

冰峰主编 电子版 下载


本书已入围2015-2018丝路书香工程资助图书 图书分类:文学 图书标签:小说 语言:汉语 出版时间:2009-10 书号:9787119057484
出版社: 外文出版社 已译语言: 暂无
输出国家: 暂无
译者: 暂无 上榜原因:2016丝路书香工程资助图书
This collection of miniature stories covers a wide array of subjects whiledeploying a multiplicity of writing skills.These eighty-eight distinctive yetseamless vignettes act as a condensed archive of recent great social reformsin China.through their small yet vivid sketches, portrayals and reproductionsof Chinese people's lives and feelings.The many authors,with profound.incisive thinking and vision,have been witness to and experienced neareverything in Chinese society,so they have every reason and every capacityto superbly and deftly accomplish this challenging literary mission. 作者简介